“It’s a bliss of another kind.” –Tori Amos, “Bliss”
He kisses me and this is the moment I know. I can’t tell you what it is I know, exactly, but I’m sure that some great universal truth has just been revealed to me. The secret of our existence, perhaps. Or maybe only my own meaning.
My eyes are closed as I take in the sweetness that is him. His tongue begs to be permitted entrance and, laughing, I allow it in. A new universe is opened up to me as our tongues duel fiercely and then dance sensually. His breath smells (and tastes) of those horrid cigarettes he’s always like more than I approve of, but I don’t care. I’m too busy exploring. Too busy wondering why such a gift as this was bestowed upon me of all people.
That’s all I can think of him as anymore. A gift. Not one where the wrapping paper was torn to shreds and the packaging thrown aside in an effort to get to what truly mattered but peeled like an onion until all was revealed to me. After so long waiting in the shadows of friendship and then the painful slowness of the progression into something more, this was close to that last level. The level I was never sure I’d get to because of our promise long ago. Always a part of him would be hidden to my eyes, but tonight so much of it was revealed to my soul.
The kiss slows eventually and we pull away from each other. I open my eyes to look into his, even now so pained after the abrupt crumbling of his recent relationship. Before tonight, my eyes looked just the same. But now they were filled with what I can only call joy. Bliss.
He smiles feebly. He was not expecting this to happen either. I run my hand through his hair, offering reassurance. He seems comforted but still concerned. I, too, have been hurt recently.
All the secrets of the universe I have just discovered fade away one by one and the voices quiet. My stupid grin is getting wider. I can’t help it. I don’t want to.
Abruptly, he gets up and with a mumbled excuse, leaves. Even still, I smile, remembering the feel of his lips on mine. That is as far as it will go tonight. But for me, it has gone as far as it will ever have to go. I have touched the stars and felt their light fill me.
Send me lyrics with the word bliss in them...I can't think of any...
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