5-Point Cafe--this site is a great site full of one girl's poetry and a great short story as well as some other interesting things!
Historicity and Historicisation of Arthur--say that three times fast! Okay, I've been into the Arthurian Legends (King Arthur) a lot lately. Though I'm personally of the mind that there could have been a historical Arthur, I think what this person had to say was pretty interesting anyway.
Monkees Clones--This is my best friend's Monkees site. It's pretty humorous even though it knocks on me a little bit (I'm the resident pessmist she says). So, if you're interested go on down and get your personal Monkee clone today or come see mine here.
The NeverEnding Story Web Page--a site devoted to my favorite book of all time, The NeverEnding Story by Michael Ende, and the movies that were based on it (sort of).
The Official RAINN Website--Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network
Quotable Quotes--"your resource for all things quotable"
TLC - Twins--some rather fascinating information on the biology and psychology of twins
Ewanspotting--a site devoted to Ewan McGregor (aka young Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Phantom Menace and Mark Renton in Trainspotting).