Okay, maybe it would be. After all, all I could do about it was go about things as usual. It'd be the thoughts that would run through my mind that were going to be the part that would make the day seem out of the ordinary. Thoughts of them.
I rolled over, prepared to just go back to sleep. I wondered why he always set the alarm. It wasn't like I had a reason to get up at a certain time in the morning. It was probably just to make sure I would get up at all.
Seeing the empty space next to me, I sighed. He had already left as he normally did on weekdays. Today was probaby one of those days where he had literally run from the house. He'd have known that I was going to be a wreck and he didn't want to deal with it. He had been dealing with it for the past fifteen years. I couldn't blame him if he didn't want to deal with it anymore.
Grudgingly, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, stretching and yawning as I did so. The sun shined through the window, giving everything in the room a sort of golden glow. Yup, I thought, today is going to be one of those days.
I walked into the kitchen, taking in the smell of eggs. He often cooked eggs for himself in the morning and the horrible smell, much to my disgust, would linger throughout the house for hours. Much longer than I would have preferred.
I opened the refrigerator and for the first time that week, though he had been bugging me about it for quite some time now, I noticed that it was virtually empty, Nothing but a carton of milk, a half-full jug of orange juice, a carton of eggs, and some other choice items. I went over to the cupboards and found them just as bare.
"Damnit," I mumbled, knowing that I would have to go shopping today. I hated shopping. Well, most of the time I did anyway. Sometimes it was okay. Today was not one of those days.
I walked over to where we keep the paper and pencil supplies and took out a pad and pen and began to scribble down some things that I might need.
As I did so, my mind began to wander. What would I be writing down on this list if things hadn't turned out the way they did? Probably stuff like a birthday cake, ice cream(what was their favorite kind?), balloons, etc. Although, by now, they must have been too old to really appreciate balloons anymore. Teenagers usually don't. Wow, teenagers.
I shook myself out of my daze and continued to write the list. Quickly slipping into the same clothes I had worn the day before(I'm not much of a laundry person either), I grabbed my purse, stuffed the list inside, and headed out to the store.
Roaming the aisles didn't help my state of mind any. Looking at the covers of magazines, I began to wonder what their favorite magazines were. Faced with breakfast cereals, I wondered what they liked to eat for breakfast. Things that I normally didn't connect with them connected today and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
Even driving home, I wondered if they could drive yet though they wouldn't really be old enough by state standard.
I walked back up the driveway and into the house. I walked in and began to unpack the groceries.
"And it's just another day...."
Don't be shy, tell me what you think!
Chapter Fifteen
Chaper Seventeen